Next services


Sunday 23rd March 2025

11.00 am

Holy Communion

  Click here for details of all benefice services



Click on the image to find out more about the village defibrillator

Curates and Churchwardens

Who have been the curates and churchwardens over the centuries? Click here to see the list.

Campsea Ashe Village Voice

A new publication full of interest to local people. Click here.

1921 census

To view the 1921 census summary click here.

Parish Records

Details of transcripts of the Parish Records from 1606 to 1875 are available here.

Our Benefice

Orebeck Benefice website

Our Diocese

Want to know more about what is happening across the Diocese? Click on the image below.

Parish Magazine

A digital copy of the latest magazine, and those for previous months, is available here.






The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the governing body of the Church and is responsible for the day to day activities of the Church. The PCC meets three or four times a year and organises an Annual Church Meeting in the Church, normally in the spring, which is an open meeting that all can attend. Current membership of the PCC is:

Priest in Charge

Rev Ann Kember

Rev'd Ann's appointment is on a 0.5 basis, and her normal working days will be Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Outside of those days please leave an answerphone message or email which she will attend to as soon as possible. If there is an emergency then please contact one of the Benefice Elders or Churchwardens who will be able to contact her.

01473 791505

[email protected]

Churchwarden Glenys Fear 01728 747177
Tower Captain 
Secretary  Vacancy  
Member Simon Thompson  
Treasurer Harold Thompson  

To make contact regarding any aspect  of the Church please use the message box below.



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