Prayers for Children
Prayers are simply a way of talking to God, of saying ‘thank you’, or ‘ I’m sorry’, or asking for help, and every prayer normally ends with the word ‘Amen’ which just means ‘let it be’, or ‘I agree’.
When we are speaking our prayers to God, we should remember that God has a Son, and that his name is Jesus, and that he had human parents too, just like us. He lived more than two thousand years ago, and sometimes we might like to start our prayers by talking to Jesus the Son, not always addressing them to God the Father.
For Today
Dear God, Thank you for everything that has been good today, for my friends at school, for playtime and learning. Help me to be a good friend to others, especially to other children who are not well liked, and may need someone to take their side in an argument , someone to just be their friend when they need it. Amen
At night
Dear God, I am sorry if I have been naughty today, and done something which does not please you. Help me to say sorry, and to really mean it, if I ought to, and please help me to be a better person tomorrow. Amen
When you are in trouble
Dear God, When I am afraid please help me to be brave, to speak about what is worrying me, to ask for help and not just worry on my own. And I ask this through Jesus who is your Son. Amen
School Holidays
Dear Jesus, Thank you for school holidays, for time to play and have fun. Please help all children to be grateful for the many good things they have, and help us to remember children in other parts of the world that have so much less than we do, few toys, and sometimes very little food. Help us to show we care, however we can . Amen
For a new Brother or Sister
Dear God, You made the world and everything in it, you made the animals, trees and flowers. You made people to live in families and I just want to say ‘thank you’ for the new baby that has arrived to live in our family. As we grow up together, please help us to remember that we are and always will be really special to each other. Amen
The Lords Prayer
Remember you can always use this prayer its a prayer that Jesus himself taught us when he lived on earth. When you can’t think of what to say you can always say this one. It says everything that a prayer needs to say. And remember you can also pray by just sitting quietly closing your eyes and letting God ( who loves you) come close to you. We don’t always need to use words when we want to pray
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen
Rev Deirdre West