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June services to be announced.

  Click here for details of all benefice services



Click on the image to find out more about the village defibrillator

Curates and Churchwardens

Who have been the curates and churchwardens over the centuries? Click here to see the list.

Campsea Ashe Village Voice

A new publication full of interest to local people. Click here.

1921 census

To view the 1921 census summary click here.

Parish Records

Details of transcripts of the Parish Records from 1606 to 1875 are available here.

Our Benefice

Orebeck Benefice website

Our Diocese

Want to know more about what is happening across the Diocese? Click on the image below.

Parish Magazine

A digital copy of the latest magazine, and those for previous months, is available here.




Church documents


In this section you can find important documents about the Church. Click on the links below to access them.

Data Privacy Notice

C of E Safeguarding Policy

Tower Health and Safety Policy



These are the contact details for our Parish Safeguarding Officer, and attached is a copy of the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy which has been adopted by each PCC and is displayed in each of our parish churches.

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Lesley Bensley

[email protected]

07901 882464

This parish recognises that the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults is paramount and that we have a duty of care when they are in our charge.  We will do everything that we can to provide a safe and caring environment whilst they attend our activities. 

We will: 

*  Treat all children, young people and vulnerable adults and groups with respect and celebrate their achievements. 

*  Recruit and select all those working with children, young people and vulnerable adults or groups on our behalf in accordance with Church of England Practice Guidance on Safer Recruitment. 

*  Provide a code of conduct for all staff to include the assessment of risk for key roles when working with children, young people and vulnerable adults. 

*  Respond to concerns and allegations without delay in accordance with Diocesan Safeguarding procedures. 


When there is a disclosure of harm or there are concerns about the welfare of any children, young person or vulnerable adult, all adults in our church community are expected to share their concerns and allegations with: 

•   The Parish/Benefice Safeguarding Officer or the Parish Priest.   

Any referrals should be made without delay to: 

•   Suffolk County Council Customer First - 0808 800 4005 (Freephone from landlines and some mobiles).   

•   If a child, young person, or vulnerable adult is at risk of immediate harm, the police should be immediately informed – 999. 


Additionally, in accordance with diocesan safeguarding procedures, all allegations against staff or volunteers should also be referred to the  Diocesan Safeguarding Officer (07785621319) by the parish priest at the earliest opportunity.  If the priest is implicated then the churchwarden should be informed and, following Diocesan procedures, inform the Diocesan Bishop (01473) 252829 without delay.   

The parish safeguarding officer is responsible for: 

•   Helping to ensure that all those who work with children, young people or vulnerable adults on behalf of the parish or benefice are aware of the Diocesan Safeguarding procedures. These are available from the Diocesan

•   Helping to ensure that all those who work with children, young people or vulnerable adults receive diocesan safeguarding training, as appropriate.  

Course and booking information is available on the diocesan website-

In our church community we will 

*  Treat all children, young people or vulnerable adults with respect and dignity. 

*  Ensure that their welfare and safety is paramount at all times. 

*  Always act in a professional way and not accept bullying. 

*  Liaise openly (where it does not place a child, young person or vulnerable adult at risk) with parents and carers. 

*  Only use physical contact in an entirely appropriate manner. 

*  Avoid being alone with children and young people (unless it is absolutely necessary to do so). 

*  Listen to, and act upon, any disclosures/allegations/concerns that a child, young person or vulnerable adult has been harmed.  

*  Ensure that all those working with children, young people or vulnerable adults receive the appropriate diocesan safeguarding training. 


For people with key roles working with children and/or young people: 

•   Supervision should be in place to ensure that the code of conduct is being followed. 

•   Issues concerning the management of children and young people regarding such things as one-to-one working should be discussed and risk-assessed by the PCC in light of this code of conduct. 

•   A clear statement should be made regarding the non-compliance to the code of conduct by individuals, e.g. ‘Non-Compliance will automatically lead to the person being suspended from working with children, young people or vulnerable adults on behalf of the parish or benefice’. Any concerns about that person’s behaviour regarding children, young people or vulnerable adults will be reported to the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor and/or the police without delay.