Invasion Committee
During World War II an Invasion Committee was established at Wickham Market and the Minutes of several meetings of the Committee indicate how our village was protected. Copies of the Minutes are available at Suffolk Records Office.
Campsea Ash parish was just to the east of Wickham Market and was a non-Independent Hold Up Village, coming under the command of the Wickham Market Garrison Commander. The Invasion Committee Minutes give some details of the preparations put in place in case of invasion / emergency.
Minutes: 20 Aug 1941:- Local food organizer has four cases of most meats and two sacks of sugar at Talbot Hotel. Each member of committee would be ready to distribute food if village became cut off.
Organization made for receiving and treating casualties (First Aid Post – Iron Room) and for receiving refugees.
Population of village approx 400 people.
Viscount Ullswater asked if he would place one of his cars at committee’s disposal to act as ambulance in time of isolation.
Extra fire watches during harvest time.
Minutes: 19 Oct 1941:- ARP wardens on duty 11 pm to 4am (two on duty, no’s reduced after harvest)
Minutes: 18 Dec 1941:- Stretcher bearers of ARP had received no first aid training. Classes to be arranged.
Minutes: 15 July 1942:- Discussion of evacuation of Sudbourne and Iken area (as a result of establishing the Orford Battle Training Area) discussed and possible effect on this parish.
Minutes: 7 July 1943:- Stores at Wickham Market can supply their outside customers during invasion so long as roads and paths are open. Liaison officer between Invasion Committee and military was Home Guard representative (Sir C Bunbury).
Reference: Campsea Ash Invasion Committee Minutes, SRO
A copy of the above can be downloaded here.