Next services


Sunday 23rd March 2025

11.00 am

Holy Communion

  Click here for details of all benefice services



Click on the image to find out more about the village defibrillator

Curates and Churchwardens

Who have been the curates and churchwardens over the centuries? Click here to see the list.

Campsea Ashe Village Voice

A new publication full of interest to local people. Click here.

1921 census

To view the 1921 census summary click here.

Parish Records

Details of transcripts of the Parish Records from 1606 to 1875 are available here.

Our Benefice

Orebeck Benefice website

Our Diocese

Want to know more about what is happening across the Diocese? Click on the image below.

Parish Magazine

A digital copy of the latest magazine, and those for previous months, is available here.




Heritage Group


The Heritage Group was established by the PCC to ensure that local resources of interest to villagers and those who have left the village are as accessible as possible. Most of the resources are available on this website, many also in hard copy in the Church as well. The Group has no formal constitution and has not set out any 'rules', it is an informal group that people contribute to as they see fit.

Anyone is welcome to join the Group - if you want further information please send us an email below. The Group meets about 3 times each year and organises occasional 'open' events.


The Heritage Group Newsletters are delivered to all houses within the village and are now available online by clicking on the link below.

Newsletter 1 Summer 2016

Newsletter 2 Summer 2017

Newsletter 3 Summer 2018

Due to the coronavirus it has not been possible to distribute a Newslatter during 2020. Instead a digital newsletter has pen published and can be downloaded here:

eNewsletter Summer 2020

Heritage Booklet - Our Archives

Recently published, the Heritage Group has written a booklet that gives a flavour of the sort of archives available for local people and visitors to the village to access. Generously funded by the Parish Council, the booklet has been distributed to all househoilds in the village and copies will be available in the Church. 

To download and read the booklet click on the icon below.

Village Recorder

The Heritage Group has now taken on the role of Village Recorder and as such is collecting any relevant information about village activities that are happening now or in the future. If you have anytning to contribute please contact us using the contact email below.

Village Recorders have been appointed for many local villages and the aim is to make sure that anythong that is happening in the locality today is recorded so that future generations can benefit from finding out what has happened in their village in the past.


 Contact Us