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Sunday 23rd March 2025

11.00 am

Holy Communion

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Click on the image to find out more about the village defibrillator

Curates and Churchwardens

Who have been the curates and churchwardens over the centuries? Click here to see the list.

Campsea Ashe Village Voice

A new publication full of interest to local people. Click here.

1921 census

To view the 1921 census summary click here.

Parish Records

Details of transcripts of the Parish Records from 1606 to 1875 are available here.

Our Benefice

Orebeck Benefice website

Our Diocese

Want to know more about what is happening across the Diocese? Click on the image below.

Parish Magazine

A digital copy of the latest magazine, and those for previous months, is available here.




Village Listed Buildings


There are 14 buildings or sites in the village currently Listed by Historic England. Details of the Listings can be found by clicking on the blue links or by going to the Historic England website at Search for 'Campsey Ash'.

There are some photos of some of the above buildings on the Historic England website here. Again, search for 'Campsey Ash'.

Listed Building Grade Date of Listing More information
Campsey Priory (site of) ? Not known  
Campsey Ash Park II* 1 June 1984  
Ash Green Farmhouse II 25 October 1984  
White House II 16 March 1966 Go
Well House Cottages II 25 October 1984  
Church Farmhouse II 25 October 1984 Go
Rushbround (Rushground) II 16 March 1966 Go
Smithy Cottage II 25 October 1984 Go
The Old Rectory II 25 October 1984 Go
Barn II 16 March 1966  
Abbey House II* 16 March 1966 Go
Mill House The Mill II* 16 March 1966  
Chantry Farmhouse II 16 March 1966  
Church of St John the Baptist II* 16 March 1966 Go
War Memorial II 9 March 2020  


In addition to the buildings and sites in the village, some items from the village are recorded elsewhere:

Anglesey Abbey  Pair of urns c1700. Bronze. Oviform shapes with flared rims. French, formerly at Campsea Ashe, Suffolk.
Bridge Farmhouse, Friday Street Some C17 panelling on ground floor; queen post roof. Staircase imported from Ash High House, Campsea Ashe.
Bruisyard Hall House; on site of collegiate chantry transferred from Campsea Ash in 1354 and converted to a nunnery of Poor Clares in 1364
Melford Hall This ornamental woodland of mixed trees and shrubs is of mid C19 origin and has been added to by each successive generation of Hyde Parkers (cf Rackhams Grove at Campsea Ashe, qv).





If you can tell us anything about these buildings or sites please do so by using the contact box below.


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