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Sunday 23rd March 2025

11.00 am

Holy Communion

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This section contains headings about articles recorded in newspapers during the 1800s. Hard copies of the newspaper articles are now available in the Church.

Click on the blue links to hear audio of the article.

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17 March 1827 Sale of dwelling Suffolk Chronicle
5 February 1830 Destruction of Rendlesham Hall Morning Post
23 January 1830 Reduction of tithes Ipswich Journal
10 February 1830 J W Sheppard appointed Sheriff Bury & Norwich Post
3 April 1830 Death of High Sheriff Ipswich Journal
3 April 1830 Suffolk cart horse for siring Ipswich Journal
7 April 1830 Death of J W Sheppard Bury Press
11 September 1830 Employment for carpenters Ipswich Journal
1 January 1831 Creditors and debtors of J W Sheppard Suffolk Chronicle
8 February 1832 Saxon hoard of coins Bury and Norfolk Post
25 April 1832 Marriage of Rev Wilson and Mrs Sheppard Bury & Norfolk Post
27 April 1832 Marriage of Rev Wilson and Mrs Sheppard Cambridge Chronicle
28 April 1832 Marriage of Rev Wilson and Mrs Sheppard Essex Standard
2 June 1832 East Suffolk Agricultural Association Suffolk Chronicle
11 May 1833 Presentation to Mrs Beedon Suffolk Chronicle
13 July 1833 Cottage to let Suffolk Chronicle
20 July 1833 Theft of hens Ipswich Journal
24 July 1833 Conviction for stealing two hens Bury & Norfolk Post
17 August 1833 Sale of horses Suffolk Chronicle
17 August 1833 Auction of horses and livestock Ipswich Journal
24 August 1833 Sale of horses Ipswich Journal
31 August 1833 Farming stock sale Ipswich Journal
7 September 1833 Sale of farming stock Suffolk Chronicle
26 October 1833 Double wedding Ipswich Journal
2 November 1833 Cottage to let Suffolk Chronicle
7 December 1833 Conviction for assault Suffolk Chronicle
4 January 1834 Woodbridge sessions Ipswich Journal
22 February 1834 Creditors of William Bloomfield Suffolk Chronicle
29 April 1834 Poor laws controversy Essex Herald
24 May 1834 East Suffolk Agricultural Association Ipswich Journal
31 May 1834 Prize for best Foot Ploughman Ipswich Journal
31 May 1834 Conviction for idleness and disorderly behaviour Ipswich Journal
12 July 1834 Horticultural judges Ipswich Journal
16 August 1834 Cricket match report Suffolk Chronicle
11 April 1835 Indictment for breaking and entering Ipswich Journal
15 April 1835 Breaking and entering Bury and Norwich Post
9 May 1935 Auction of effects of Jonathan Beedon Ipswich Journal
20 June 1835 Bankruptcy of Jonathan Beedon Ipswich Journal
4 July 1835 Appeal against overseer of the poor - Rev Wilson Ipswich Journal
25 July 1835 Bankruptcy of Jonathan Beedon Ipswich Journal
1 August 1835 Jonathan Beedon bankrupt  Unknown
29 August 1835 Auction of farming stock Suffolk Chronicle
19 September 1835 Auction of farming stock Suffolk Chronicle
26 September 1835 Sale of farming stock Suffolk Chronicle
10 October 1835 Plomesgate Union Suffolk Chronicle
21 November 1835 Birth of daughter to wife of Rev Wilson Ipswich Journal
19 December 1835 Attack by poachers Ipswich Journal
19 December 1835 Cedars at the High House Suffolk Chronicle
19 December 1835 Conviction of Samuel Youngman Ipswich Journal
23 December 1835 Serious affray Bury & Norwich Post
26 December 1835 Apprehension of gang of poachers Suffolk Chronicle
26 December 1835 Death of Rev Joseph Parson Ipswich Journal
2 January 1836 Death of Rev Parson Norfolk Chronicle
2 January 1836 Weights and Measures Inspection Ipswich Journal
27 February 1836 Hoxne Union contract Suffolk Chronicle
12 March 1836 Plomesgate Union Guardians opf the Poor Ipswich Journal
30 April 1836 Bankruptcy of J Beedon Suffolk Chronicle
7 May 1836 Conviction for unlawful assault Ipswich Journal
11 June 1836 Contract for supply of Workhouse Ipswich Journal
23 July 1836 Auction of furniture Suffolk Chronicle
20 August 1836 Conviction for unlawful assault Ipswich Journal
29 October 1836 Plomesgate Union Births & Deaths Ipswich Journal
19 November 1836 Institution of Rev Pratt Ipswich Journal
26 November 1836 Institution of Rev Pratt Huntingdon, Bedfor and Peterborough Gazette
10 December 1836 Shipwreck Association meeting Ipswich Journal
20 January 1838 Conviction for begging alms Suffolk Chronicle
31 March 1838 Stallion 'Whisker' available for siring Suffolk Chronicle
31 March 1838 Cart stallion available for siring Ipswich Journal
26 May 1838 Death of Mrs Mary sheppard Ipswich Journal
15 September 1838 Husbandry prize to Wm Last Suffolk Chronicle
9 February 1839 Sale of freehold Suffolk Chronicle
6 April 1839 Colt available for siring Ipswich Journal
10 August 1839 J Beedon bancruptcy Suffolk Chronicle
14 March 1840 Theft of wood Suffolk Chronicle
18 March 1840 One month hard labour for theft of wood Bury & Norwich Post
28 March 1840 Stallion available for siring Suffolk Chronicle
4 April 1840 Stallion available for siring Suffolk Chronicle
4 April 1840 Stallions available for siring Ipswich Journal
30 May 1840 Wickham Market Association for Prosecuting Persons Suffolk Chronicle
13 June 1840 Plomesgate Union - contract for supplies Suffolk Chronicle
3 October 1840 Issue of game certificates Suffolk Chronicle
28 November 1840 Tithe Commission Suffolk Chronicle
16 January 1841 Donations to Woodbridge Church extension Ipswich Journal
30 January 1841 Trespass in search of game Suffolk Chronicle
27 March 1841 Stallion available for siring Suffolk Chronicle
3 April 1841 Death announcement of Joseph Downing Suffolk Chronicle
3 April 1841 Stallion available for siring Suffolk Chronicle
10 April 1841 Stallion available for siring Ipswich Journal
5 June 1841 Wickham Market Association for Prosecuting Persons Suffolk Chronicle
11 August 1841 Death announcement Timothy King Bury & Norwich Post
18 September 1841 Claims on Timothy King Ipswich Journal
23 October 1841 Theft of rings from a Hawker Suffolk Chronicle
4 December 1841 Conviction for killing game Suffolk Chronicle
18 December 1841 Jailed for destroying game Suffolk Chronicle
24 December 1841 Sale of Messauge against Jonathan Beedon Suffolk Chronicle
2 April 1842 Application for diversion of road Ipswich Journal
30 April 1842 Conviction for assault Ipswich Journal
4 June 1842 Wickham Market Association for Prosecution of Felons Suffolk Chronicle
2 July 1842 Theft of umbrella Suffolk Chronicle
10 September 1842 East suffolk Agricultural Association Ipswich Journal
1 October 1842 Church Pastoral Aid Society Suffolk Chronicle
3 December 1842 Trespass with double barrel shotgun Suffolk Chronicle
4 March 1843 Subscriptions to St Sepulchre's Church Cambridge Chronicle
25 January 1845 Advert for sale of windmill Suffolk Chronicle
29 November 1845 Application for Railway Bill Norfolk Chronicle
10 June 1848 Advert for School Mistress Ipswich Journal
April 1851 Fire from lightening Essex Standard
19 April 1851 The case of Maria Clarke Norfolk News
January 1851 Rent reduction Essex Standard
18 January 1851 Notice to creditors Suffolk Chronicle
5 April 1851 Hail and thunderstorm Suffolk Chronicle
August 1851 Windmill to let Ipswich Journal
24 January 1852 Post mill to be sold Suffolk Chronicle
20 March 1852 Brewing plant to be sold Suffolk Chronicle
2 October 1852 Sale of Jolley's Farm Suffolk Chronicle
5 February 1853 Theft of sixpence Suffolk Chronicle
1 July 1854 Widow of Limes Rudland Suffolk Chronicle
10 February 1855 Provision of coals for the poor Suffolk Chronicle
10 March 1855 Unlawful opening hours Suffolk Chronicle
17 March 1855 Theft of iron traps Suffolk Chronicle
17 March 1855 Stallion available for siring Suffolk Chronicle
27 June 1855 Patent turnip manure Essex Standard
7 July 1855 Stealing a turkey Suffolk Chronicle
8 September 1855 East Suffolk Railway Prospectus Norfolk News
17 November 1855 Theft of walnuts Suffolk Chronicle
26 January 1856 Accidental drowning at Quill Farm Suffolk Chronicle
26 January 1856 Post Mill for sale Ipswich Journal
15 March 1856 Eastern Counties Manure Works Suffolk Chronicle
22 March 1856 Sale of windmill Ipswich Journal
26 April 1856 Drunkenness Suffolk Chronicle
18 October 1856 Progress of railroad Bury Free Press
15 November 1856   High Sheriffs appointed Norfolk News
28 February 1857 Woodbridge Magistrates proceedings Suffolk Chronicle
4 April 1857 Rendlesham Hall Timber sale Suffolk Chronicle
4 April 1857 George Thurston Ipswich Journal
6 June 1857 Prosecution of felons Suffolk Chronicle
4 July 1857 School treat at High House Suffolk Chronicle
5 September 1857 Convictions Ipswich Journal
19 september 1857 East Suffolk Railway correspondence Ipswich Journal
10 October 1857 George Borrett conviction Ipswich Journal
17 October 1857 East Suffolk Railway inspection Ipswich Journal
28 November 1857 Railway Company amalgamation Ipswich Journal
30 January 1858 Poaching attempt Ipswich Journal
29 May 1858 Church Missionary Society Suffolk Chronicle
26 June 1858 School treat at High House Ipswich Journal
26 June 1858 Death of daughter of Rev Pratt Ipswich Journal
14 July 1858 Suffolk Agricultural Society prizes Ipswich Journal
23 October 1858 Magistrates proceedings Ipswich Journal
30 October 1858 Rev Villiers appointed Curate Suffolk Chronicle
1 January 1859 Sudden death Suffolk Chronicle
4 June 1859 London Society for promoting Christianity amongst Jews Ipswich Journal
4 June 1859 Sudden death Suffolk Chronicle
6 August 1859 Suffolk summer assizes Ipswich Journal
13 August 1859 School treat Ipswich Journal
20 August 1859 J G Sheppard endorsement of medical treatment Cambridge Chronicle
5 October 1859 Jermyn Pratt letter Norwich Mercury
24 August 1863 Boiler explosion The Sun
26 August 1863 Explosion of threshing machine Essex Standard
2 May 1868 Visit of Bishop of Norwich Ipswich Journal
1 October 1870 Fatal accident Ipswich Journal
17 September 1878 Cricket at Rendlesham Hall Unknown
3 February 1883 Gospel Temperence meeting Framlingham Weekly News
10 January 1885 Concert at Parish Room Ipswich Journal
25 April 1891 Wedding of Lord Rendlesham's daughter Ipswich Journal
16 September 1893 White House to rent Framlingham Weekly News
24 November 1894 Child death tradegy Ipswich Journal
21 January 1895 Acquittal of Maria Hammond Midland Daily Telegraph


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